Tuesday, March 22, 2011


SUNDAY-went to malacca to join the tesl netball team..first attempt to get the ball and i busted my knee.."keletup!"-->those were the exact sound that i heard after jumping to get the ball..OMG!rasa macam nak pitam!lutut kiri injured!!2nd game?cannot go anymore..had to sit out of the court and watch my friends play..medic put some ice and ointment and what not..bla.bla.bla. Despite the injury, i had to drive my ass back to segamat..it was going quite smoothly (the journey back to segamat of course) until i reached Tangkak..the route was something like Bukit Putus in N9..imagine yourself driving a manual transmission car with a busted knee..hohoho!ain't fun for me that's for sure!well the moral of the story is don't ever forget to do some warm up exercise before your game..PFFT!

MONDAY-went to UiTM's Pusat Kesihatan..and it is called Penawar (Cure)..haha!nice one!masuk je kt dalam untuk register..akak nurse tanya pasal kad matrik..lepas tu, semua bantai gelak bila dah termalu aku cakap aku ini pensyarah sambilan di sini..ahakz!Doctor kata hamstring ape ntah jadik.so i was given some drugs to ease the pain.unfortunately or fortunately for me, those drugs actually made me high.."Nanti awak makan ubat ni khayal tau" (Doctor Penawar UiTM Segamat, 2011) PFFT!
Before i was given my third leg, the doctor said that i need a pain killer so strong that it will make me feel "good" for the day. the nurse asked me to lie down on the bed and undo my belt. "Adik baring elok2,akak nak suntik ni..akak selak ye boxer corak buah-buahan adik ni"*AWKWARD!!* Until today i can't look at that akak nurse the same way ever again..and i have a third leg to help me walk properly..PFFT!!

TUESDAY-i can't really straighten or bend my leg..how crazy is that?it is super hard for me to shit!nak berak macam mana bila kaki tak boleh nak bengkok..nak cangkung pun menitis air mata aku!suwey!disebabkan kaki aku ni terlampau sakit..emosi aku kini tidak seimbang..tambah2 lagi ubat yang buatkan aku khayal..entah kenapa tiba2 teringat bahawasanya gaji aku dari bulan januari tidak kelihatan kelibatnya..berbekalkan tongkat Penawar ni, aku panjat 3 tingkat untuk bertemu akak admin..abes aku basuh dia!mintak maaf la yea..dah nama pun darah muda..mestila melenting je keje..haha..baru nk bagi surat pelantikan aku petang tu gak!aku nak gaji!!tapi rupa-rupanya pemprosesan gaji akan mengambil masa lagi..*%$##@!!!PFFT!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


OMG!is it true that if you really really miss someone you tend to see a lot of her images around you?
is that supposed to be a scary thing or a sad one?haha
anyways, yes i do saw a few of the students look like nadia..
and as i was typing this, i saw a girl who sat across my table that looks like tatie!homaigodd!!
and yes i do miss you Beaches so much!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


hurm..holiday is normally the day that most people look forward to..sadly not me..cause this particular holiday happens to fall on a Tuesday *sigh*

so i woke up quite early..cleaned my bedroom..too many dust bunny here n there..
nk cuci baju but hari mcm nk hujan so xjdk..
now i am at a kopitiam marking students' assignments..
is this what i really want in life?
what i really need to make me feel happy working here is internet connection and an actual friend..
i need a friend!at least i won'et be eating all alone..
dis is sad!

p/s: nadia tasha sayangku..nnt i blk kite g mkn kt chilli's or friday's plak!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

V-day a.k.a observation day

gile nervous nk aja students arini!!
lesson plan pown bole kate last minute nyer preparation..
printer td jam mase nk print keje..arghhhh!!!!
tapi syukur alhamdulillah..
tak kisah la sumer tu..
what is more important is that i have been told by my coordinator that i am a good and fun teacher..
there were two senior lecturers who observed my teaching today..
they did mention about improving my hand writing *WTF??!*
but most importantly i did have positive feedback from them..
all in all, my lesson is very interesting to the extent dorang nk pnjm n actually conduct that lesson in their own class.. B)
gumbira seyh hati!!woohoo!!
anyways happy holidays people!
marilah kita beramai-ramai menyambut maulidur rasul dengan aktiviti yg berfaedah lagi menyihatkan..
p/s: esk plan nk spring clean rumah sbb sawang da berjela-jela..

Thursday, February 10, 2011


pening oh pening..
cuaca lately sgt sgt panas..tak membantu sungguh tatkala malam yang lewat dan pikirkan tentang kerja..
elok2 tgh nk tdo smalam..ade katak dtg jenguk bilik aku..iye..KATAK..da la kaler light brown..mcm kulit manusia..n thinking of it right now buat aku rase geli geleman..anyways..blom sempat aku bgn..dia da lompat kt pntu..argh!!

so tanpa berlengah lagi, aku berjalan dgn penuh macho (sebenarnya lari ketakutan mcm bapok pencen) ke arah dapur dan berbekalkan penyapu..aku libas menatang itu!jyeah!! malangnya..libasan Lin Dan aku tak kena katak tu..yes..tak kena langsung..dan..dengan penuh kebencian yg aku nampak kt katak tu..dia sengaja lompat ke arah aku..oh Tuhan!so aku dengan tidak sengajanya menjerit kegelian..naseb baek housm8 aku lena diulit mimpi..so dia xdgr la jeritan high pitch aku..haha!!n syukurlah katak tu jumpe jalan keluar..ni sumer salah aku sebab tak tutup pintu depan rumah kami..

minggu ni aku blk subang sebab ade kenduri kawen..*alasan je..padahal tiap2 minggu nk blk*

p/s:lame tak blog sebab da tak berapa nak taksub blogging..haha

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Allah..

it has been raining constantly ever since monday..God..help us here in Segamat..please don't let it flood here..*amin*
i have no experience with flood..therefore, please Allah, please don't let it flood..Sg. Muar's level is rising since monday..to tell You the truth, i am actually scared of such situation..

harini genap 23 bulan aku bersamanya..sungguh..tak pernah aku berangan yang aku akan bersama untuk jangka masa yang panjang..but then again..kita sebagai manusia hanya mampu merancang.. tetapi Tuhan yang lebih layak menentukan..next month genap 2 TAHUN kami bersama..alhamdulilah..hopefully it will last till the end of time..*amin*

Insyallah tomorrow after Friday prayers i will begin my journey back to my home sweet home..can't wait to let mummy see how dark i have become..actually i have been craving for her delicious meals!

p/s: Mummy..i love you so much..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

~Gegurl oh Gegurl~

OMFG!!knape ade orang yang sanggup dengki dengan kesenangan orang lain?kenapa??
baru semalam aku sedar bahawasanya ade pensyarah yang gesel Gegurl aku..habes cat tanggal..naseb baik tak kemik..ni mesti kes tak puas hati dengan kekacakan kereta aku..nama je lecturer tapi tak reti-reti nak jumpe aku and mintak maaf ke ape ke..*tension* nak re-paint bumper Gegurl bukan murah la woi!!paling cekai pon RM 300!!*bertambah tension*

Dan juga..baru je aritu aku kena sound dengan makcik kerani yang kononnya claim aku tak reti bagi salam..WATAFAKK??!!bahawa dengan sesungguhnya aku telah memberi salam..barangkali lagu yang dimainkan di corong radio beliau pada waktu itu sedikit agak keterlaluan kuatnya..and maybe sebab dah termalu sebab menyangkakan aku ni student..maka beliau mulalah membuat tuduhan palsu..*geram!geram!*

"Lain kali bagi salam eh dik, Prof Madya pun reti bagi salam.." (Makcik Kerani Yang Grumpy, 2011)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


my housemate needed to go back to his hometown..*sigh* the fact that i don't like to be left alone made me decided to go to malacca and visit my friends there..(ye sy tkt nk tggl rumah sorang2)
to my surprise..malacca is not on holiday for thaipusam..ayoyo..

anyway..happy thaipusam to all! ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

selamat siang

3rd day at work..wednesday class supposed to start only at 4-6 and 8-10 p.m........
well i'm already here in my so-called office at 8 a.m!*dang!* i know it would be a waste of money to go back home and continue my sleep until maybe after lunch hour ends or something like that..actually it depends on the level of my sleepy-ness..haha!
what am i supposed to teach my students today..?i can't help to notice that everytime i talk in front of the class it is like im having a great time of my own..orang melayu cakap..syiok sendiri..(bukan nak kutuk anak bangsa sendiri tapi...)*sigh*

Monday, January 17, 2011


aduyai..punyelah taksub nk meng-blog nih sampia sket2 nk post..haha..well this is the only way for me to communicate with the cyber world..i couldnt help to notice that they have blocked all types of social network..*sigh* so what i had to do is go all the way to the nearest McD to surf the net..bummer!tp xpe..selagi aku xbwk p1 w1max tu..terpakselah aku berulang alik lbey kurang 20km utk internet..20km bukanlah jauh mane..but the fact that aku terpakse guna jalan kampung tu yang buat aku lemah sket tu..haih..

-tu kisah psl internet..-


baru tadi pagi aku sedar yg aku perlu merentas 3 sungai utk ke tmpt bekerja..oh!mulianya pekerjaan ku ini!
Sg. Simpang..Sg. Batang Lesung..Sg. Muar..pergh!kelas sggh aku ni!
disebabkan perjalanan ulang alik nk ke tempat mkn kt luar membuatkan aku mls utk melantak tgh hari..haha!ni maybe peluang utk aku kurus..?mungkinkah?maybe?perhaps?hopefully!
tugas seorang pendidik ni mmg aku akui sgt2 mencabar..

feeling lonely..?am i..?

being away from family is hard enough..imagine being far away from your loved ones..it is rather sad to work in a place where you have no one to chat with..or simply to share an office room..haish..class will only begin at 10..gotta go..nk berak dulu before g class..