Sunday, February 13, 2011

V-day a.k.a observation day

gile nervous nk aja students arini!!
lesson plan pown bole kate last minute nyer preparation..
printer td jam mase nk print keje..arghhhh!!!!
tapi syukur alhamdulillah..
tak kisah la sumer tu..
what is more important is that i have been told by my coordinator that i am a good and fun teacher..
there were two senior lecturers who observed my teaching today..
they did mention about improving my hand writing *WTF??!*
but most importantly i did have positive feedback from them..
all in all, my lesson is very interesting to the extent dorang nk pnjm n actually conduct that lesson in their own class.. B)
gumbira seyh hati!!woohoo!!
anyways happy holidays people!
marilah kita beramai-ramai menyambut maulidur rasul dengan aktiviti yg berfaedah lagi menyihatkan..
p/s: esk plan nk spring clean rumah sbb sawang da berjela-jela..

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